I have been thinking about what am about to write now for quite a few days. was in a dilemma as to how to put it on paper. because this time the thoughts are more random than usual. an attempt would never be out of place however, and hence this third part in random ramblings.
ever wondered how naming relations limit them? every day we make new relations, with new faces. some relations which happened, some which existed before you even found out you existed, others which you felt did rather exist not. how many such? a mother, father, sister, brother, friend, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grand father, friend, husband, lover...every day a new relation. every day a new name to an unknown face.
the saddest part of these supposed to be comfort zone of relationships is the expectation part. you expect a mother to be loving, caring, forgiving...a father to be protective,someone to admire, to emulate, a grandmother is your mentor, the repertoire of stories, a friend-your shoulder to cry on, your partner in crime...you tend to define people by the role they play in your life. in a sense stereotyping relations. and then probably you end up complaining as to how the same relations choke you.
what about those relations which give you the best of everything? which are perfect yet nameless? which have no boundaries and hence no expectations? what about these relationships ?
this time this post is ridiculously random. bringing to light my handicap of not being able to do justice to the
most genuine of thoughts which has been plaguing me for quite some time now....